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Some of our prices may vary according to season.

La Cova del Peix de Peralada | Restaurant de peix i marisc fresc de temporada

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table now.

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Our opening hours are:


Closed for holidays from 21st to 30th October

Friday  13.00h - 16.00h & de 20.00h - 23.00h

Saturday  13.00h - 16.00h & de 20.00h - 23.00h

Sunday  13.00h - 16.00h


You will find us at:

C/ Carme 21
17.491 - Peralada

La Cova del Peix - Restaurant

La Cova del Peix de Peralada 2020 © Tots els drets reservats

C/ Carme 21, 17.491 - Peralada | 972528381

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